La started painting at a very early age while she was still living in the Thai countryside, painting on any scrap of paper that she could lay her hands on with paints that she herself prepared using mud and flowers. 

She has never received any artistic education and has never been interested in art. However, in 2010, she started painting with oils that she found in the studio of her new boyfriend - and this was her favorite medium of expression until 2019 when La’s focus shifted to drawing.

La paints with an obsession that sometimes produces several paintings in one day. In addition to people, La enjoys painting animals, flowers and mushrooms, especially toadstools. 

In her paintings, one can sometimes see echoes of her childhood spent in Thailand as well as occasional glimpses into the shamanic non-ordinary dimensions of reality. 

Over the years, she has also painted quite a number of self-portraits. La usually paints in her kitchen, sitting cross-legged on the floor in the Thai traditional way. She prefers to paint at night, claiming that she has never been able to adjust to the Central European time zone.

The total number of her paintings now exceeds three hundred, and there are approximately eight hundred drawings as well.

La‘s paintings and drawings and articles about them have recently been published in the following magazines

Analogon No. 83 (III/2017)

Tvar No. 1/2018

Revolver Revue No. 110 (2018)

Xantypa No. 7-8/2018

Analogon No. 88 (II/2019)

Analogon No. 92 (III.2020)

Raw Vision No. 106 (2020)

Osservatorio Outsider Art No. 20 (2020)

Amazonia unida,  almanac published -

by the Mendel University in Brno, No. I

(2020) and No. III (2021)

Revolver Revue No. 123 (2021)

Almanac Art Brut Brno 2021

Analogon No. 95 (III.2021)

Logos 2021-2022

Raw Vision č. 122 (2025), resp. do anglické verze: Raw Vision No. 122 (2025).

La Inthonkaew

La was born in a small village bordering the jungle in central Thailand in 1980 or 1981. She is Thai, but some of her ancestors also came from Burma, Laos and China. Her father was a local shaman; her uncle was a locally venerated Buddhist monk famous for his miraculous powers; the women in her family were traditionally midwives.

She went to school for only four years, commuting from the family farm to the center of the village on the back of her favorite water buffalo - and almost always escaped before the end of her classes by jumping out of a classroom window, because she was bored. After the premature death of her father, the family disintegrated and, at the age of eleven, La found herself alone with two small brothers to take care of. She had to become a hunter and gatherer in order to survive for the next two years.

Later, La went through a number of menial jobs working e.g. as a construction laborer, cook, cleaning lady, masseuse and a beach parasol lender.

A mother of three, La gave birth to her first child when she was fifteen, and at the age of 33 she was already the grandmother of twins. While visiting with her family in Phuket in 2004, she was swept up by the tsunami, which 

came close to killing her. At the same time, however, this traumatic experience fully opened the doors of her pictorial imagination.


To date, La’s work has been presented at ten individual and nine collective exhibitions in the Czech Republic, Poland and France. 

Her paintings and drawings have also appeared in more than a dozen magazine articles in the Czech Republic, Great Britain and Italy. 

In 2020, Manuel Anceau gave a lecture on La’s paintings as part of a series organized by Mrs. Lise Maurer at the Institut Protestant de Théologie in Paris, and in the same year Pavel Konečný additionally published a comprehensive selection of her drawings in his “Marginalie” edition.

In 2021, Revolver Revue published Ondřej Sekanina's book: “The Shamanic Rosary,” inspired by La’s stories about her childhood spent in the Thai countryside and which was illustrated by her paintings.

La’swork is included in a number of Czech, French and Polish private collections, including two of the most important Polish collections – those of Andrzej Kwasiborski and Leszek Macak. Also, in 2022, the Silesian Museum in Katowice purchased a large number of her works.

Ondřej Sekanina, 2024

Beauty and Amanitas

oil on canvas, 90 x 100 cm

Hunter and Amanita

oil on canvas, 90 x 110 cm

Big Self-Portrait

oil on canvas, 120 x 90 cm

Garden of Heavenly Delights

oil on canvas, 80 x 80 cm


oil on canvas, 50 x 40 cm

Buddha in the Jungle

oil on canvas, 50 x 40 cm

Sun and Sunflower

oil on canvas, 130 x 90 cm


Woman and Monkeys

oil on canvas, 90 x 90 cm

How I Learned to Walk

oil on canvas, 60 x 50 cm

Old Sun

oil on canvas, 90 x 90 cm

Catdog and Goldfish

oil on canvas, 100 x 80 cm

Dancing Frogs

oil on canvas, 40 x 50 cm

Two Spirits

oil on canvas, 90 x 70 cm

Shaman - my Father

oil on canvas, 80 x 70 cm


Bird Repairer

oil on canvas, 100 x 70 cm


oil on canvas, 45 x 60 cm

Self-Portrait Selling Flowers

oil on canvas, 50 x 50 cm

Flowers and Venus Passing in front of the Sun

oil on canvas, 130 x 100 cm


Phuket II

oil on canvas, 70 x 90 cm

Me, Nakonda and our Animals in Bed

oil on canvas, 90 x 90 cm

Ayahuasca Self-Portrait

oil on canvas, 80 x 80 cm



oil on canvas, 80 x 60 cm

Self-Portrait (Cook a Frog)

oil on canvas, 80 x 70 cm

Winter Self-Portrait

oil on canvas, 80 x 60 cm

Ayahuasca Flower

oil on canvas, 70 x 80 cm

Mona Lisa with Caterpillar

oil on canvas, 90 x 70 cm



oil on canvas, 80 x 70 cm

Self-Portrait with Renowned Artist

oil on canvas, 80 x 70 cm


Tiger Woman

oil on canvas, 90 x 120 cm

Buddha in the Whale

oil on canvas, 60 x 80 cm

Jonah in the Whale

oil on canvas, 60 x 80 cm

Man, Dog and Green Mouse

oil on canvas, 70 x 60 cm


Self-Portrait in Cap

oil on canvas, 90 x 80 cm

Deer and Parasol Mushrooms

oil on canvas, 90 x 100 cm

Owl Family

oil on canvas, 100 x 90 cm


oil on canvas, 80 x 90 cm

Dinosaur and Turtle

oil on canvas, 90 x 100 cm

Sea Goblin

oil on canvas, 110 x 90 cm

Self-Portrait on Bike with Sheep

oil on canvas, 90 x 110 cm

Self-Portrait as Butterfly

oil on canvas, 100 x 90 cm

Sunflowers and Rabbit

oil on canvas, 110 x 90 cm


Woman with Watermelon

oil on canvas, 130 x 90 cm

Woman with Green Vase 

oil on canvas, 130 x 90 cm

Mushroom Fairy

oil on canvas, 110 x 80 cm

Red Sun

oil on canvas, 90 x 80 cm

Spirit with Third Eye

oil on canvas, 80 x 100 cm

Head Made of Snakes 

oil on canvas, 80 x 70 cm


oil on canvas, 90 x 80 cm

Mermaid with Boyfriend

oil on canvas, 90 x 80 cm

Head Made of Seafood

oil on canvas, 90 x 70 cm

Moon with Rabbit

oil on canvas, 90 x 80 cm


Flower - Abstract Face

drawing on paper, 42 x 30 cm


drawing on paper, 42 x 30 cm

Flower Made of Eyes

drawing on paper, 42 x 30 cm

Harlequin with Snake

drawing on paper, 30 x 42,5 cm

Buddha in Volcano

drawing on paper, 30 x 42 cm


drawing on paper, 30 x 42 cm

Wilting Rose

oil on canvas, 90 x 50 cm


oil on canvas, 90 x 50 cm

Amanita Woman

oil on canvas, 90 x 50 cm

Shenzhen Demon

oil on canvas, 120 x 90 cm


oil on canvas, 70 x 90 cm

Green Tomcat

oil on canvas, 110 x 90 cm

Family in Vortex

oil on canvas, 80 x 50 cm

Frog on Lotus

oil on canvas, 90 x 70 cm

Birds and Mushrooms

oil on canvas, 90 x 70 cm

Sun and Mountains

oil on canvas, 90 x 130 cm


drawing on paper, 30 x 42 cm


drawing on paper, 42 x 30 cm

Big Violet Flower

drawing on paper, 30 x 42 cm


drawing on paper, 42 x 30 cm


drawing on paper, 42 x 30 cm

Root Fairy

drawing on paper, 42 x 30 cm

Peek Between Legs

oil on canvas, 90 x 50 cm

Dead Coronavirus

oil on canvas, 90 x 80 cm

Adam and Eve – the Last People

oil on canvas, 60 x 90 cm

Statue of Liberty

drawing on paper, 42 x 30 cm

Violet Flowers with La’s Own Hands

drawing on paper, 42 x 30 cm

Blue and Violet Flowers

drawing on paper, 42 x 30 cm

Sun Washing Coronaviruses

drawing on paper, 42 x 30 cm

Peek Between Legs

drawing on paper, 42 x 30 cm

Face Mask

drawing on paper, 42 x 30 cm

Angel Washing Coronavirus

drawing on paper, 42 x 30 cm

Coronavirus with Babies in Tree

drawing on paper, 42 x 30 cm

Sun Washing Coronaviruses

drawing on paper, 42 x 30 cm

Coronavirus Hawkmoth

drawing on paper, 30 x 42 cm

Coronavirus with Facemask

drawing on paper, 42 x 30 cm

People Killing Mushroom 

drawing on paper, 42 x 30 cm

2018 - joint exhibition with Iva Folajtárová at the Folk Art Museum in Příkazy near Olomouc, Czech Republic

2018 - participation in a collective exhibition from the collection of Pavel Konečný in Luhačovice, Czech Republic

2019 - solo exhibition “Sun with Cubs” at the Artinbox Gallery in Prague, Czech Republic

2019 - solo exhibition “My Father Was a Shaman” at the Bastion Gallery in Tábor, Czech Republic

2019 - solo exhibition “Buddhas, Fish and Mermaids” at the Artmaterial Gallery in Děčín, Czech Republic

2019 - participation in a collective exhibition from the collection of Pavel Konečný at the Pasáž Gallery in Přerov, Czech Republic

2021 - participation in a collective exhibition from the collections of Pavel Konečný and Andrzej Kwasiborski at the Dom Darmstadt Center in Plock near Warsaw, Poland

2022 - participation in the collective exhibition “Trouvé sur le bord” from the collection of Pavel Konečný at the Czech Center in Paris

2022 - participation in a collective exhibition from the collections of Pavel Konečný and Andrzej Kwasiborsky in the exhibition space of Česká spořitelna in Brno, Czech Republic

2022 - participation in the collective exhibition “Floralie” at the Artinbox Gallery in Prague

2022 - participation in the collective exhibition “Sztuka w coronie” at the Silesian Museum in Katowice, Poland

2023 - solo exhibition “Rabbit on Wheels” at the Art Brut Prague Gallery in Prague, Czech Republic

2023 - joint exhibition with Kasia Mielcarek at Stacja Badawcza - Outsider Art Gallery in Krakow, Poland

2023 - participation in the collective exhibition “Pierwiastek żeński” at the Silesian Museum in Katowice, Poland

2023 - solo exhibition “La – Daughter of the Sun” at the Art Brut Gallery in Lublin, Poland

La’s oeuvre is also discussed in Piotr Gierowski’s book Sztuka outsiderów [Art of Outsiders], Libron Krakow 2023

2024 - participation in the collective exhibition “ Wojny nigdy dość!” at the Silesian Museum in Katowice, Poland

2025 – solo exhibition „Grids and Lattices“ at Stacja Badawcza 

- Outsider Art Gallery in Krakow, Poland

Copyright La Inthonkaew 2023             webdesign: